Sunday, December 28, 2014
The Project begins.....
From an offhand joke a project begins. While started and in progress, here is a preview of the carnage to come!
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Tier Challenge: EFeora-Defenders of the Temple
Many tier lists are considered under powered, however, they also propose a new or different way to play a caster. EFeora has the wonderful happenstance of being able to take the support Protectorate lists love; Choir. This allows proper jack support for Feora to utilize for escort in addition to extra fire status effects from the jacks themselves.
The benefits of the tier are
Only take non character jacks
Choir, flamegaurd units, and visgoth rhoven & honor gaurd
vassal mechanics, and flamegaurd solos (ie Nicia)
Benefit: Flamegaurd become FA:U
Take 2 or more Temple Flamegaurd units
Benefit: Free Temple Flamegaurd Unit Attathment. Free of cost and restrictions
Army includes Daughters of the Flame and Cleansers.
Benefit: Flamegaurd Units gain +2 speed during your first turn
Army includes Visgoth Rhoven& Friends
Deployment done is increased 2"
Now this is a pretty snazzy tier list as it makes your units faster the first turn, puts them farther up for deployment, and gives you a free UA. To clarify, YES ALL UNITS EXCEPT RHOVEN AND FRIENDS GAIN +2SPD. This, stacked with +2" on your deployment means you can hit the opponents AD line with Daughters on the first turn! A tactic I recomend as many people dont know how to handle high defense infantry in their lines first turn and will help you gain a strong scenario presence as the opponent needs to deal with acrobatic daughters before they can close on the rest of your army.
My list is this:
Vanquisher x2
Min Choir
Daughters of the Flame
Flamegaurd Cleansers
2 min units of Temple Flamguard with 1 free UA
Visgoth Rhoven& Friends
The list plays pretty differently than the Efeora brick that is typically played with a pair or reckoners or a Judicator. I have tried a Judicator with her, however I found the points are better invested in 2 jacks as the Huge base tends to get stuck behind the lines, and while the guns are nice on Judi, black oil or 2 almost impossible to miss shot from a pistol wraith and the thing just sits there.
The list favors splitting forces which gives it another edge in scenario play. Typically I deploy the units of Temple Flamegaurd towrds the outside of my deployment line. I also place one vanquisher on either side to advance up and provide nice covering fire. The Reconer will advance up the middle followed by Rhoven and friends to support where ever they are needed. in the central cluster is feora with Rhoven and the redeemer. Rhoven allow one MODEL, to see stealth models. This is great on 3 redeemer shots with 4 focus thanks to the bond and continuous fire, it helps removing pesky models like eiryss or gorman. BUT WAIT, Gorman is immune to cont. fire. Correct, he is, the bond adds the effect but the actual rocket remains untyped damage with a status effect stacked on. Therefore, Gorman can and will still die to the bonded redeemer, however he will not suffer the bonds continuous effect. It is a Very important distinction to know and utilize. Advancing in front of efeora is the cleansers using their order to provide a nice fire cloud to protect line of sight to your caster. A good trick is to move one model(not the leader) out in front of the unit and target them in the back with the combined order. This will prevent the cloud aoe drifting if it hits the target and it should. The model is immune to the fire damage so they aren't hurt by the attack. The daughters are advance deployed and first turn I rush them into an unexpecting unit on the other side of your opponents AD line. Most Players consider Turn 1-TURN RUN and dont anticipate close combat from the start. with the correct placement the opponent will struggle to clear the high defense models while you gain an edge scenario wise. As the game continues you may save your feat for a Efeora to close and pop on their caster. Caustic presence causes fire never to expire, EVEN UNDER PURIFICATION. As per the rulebook pg 29, A rule stating something cannot happen overrules a rule that states something does, in this case, continuous effects expiring.
Overall Efeora is a very strong caster with some great play options in and out of tier. I highly recommend trying her if you play the Protectorate and even if you don't! If you have any questions or comments please leave them below!
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Epic Eiryss
This is my epic Eiryss model for Warmachine. I did not like the out of place masonry and gargoyle so I decided to model the base as if it were a ruin. I like how the moss and ivy are dull compared to the bright cloak and feathers on her back. This is a fantastic model for a fantastic game. Any questions or comment, as always, are welcome and encouraged!
Hello everyone and thank you for checking out my site! I have been modeling and painting for over 6 years now and figured I would create a hobby and gameplay blog. I also create custom miniatures for RPG's as well as commission paint upon request. Thank you for checking out my site!
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